The Case for Latinos Voting Trump Out in 2020 — and Building a New Country


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By Cristina Tzintzún Ramírez

July 7, 2020

As an activist, organizing alongside immigrants, workers, and young Latino students in Texas, I know how critical this election is and that voting is not the only thing we can do to make a change. But it is the most basic thing we must do.

TEXAS — We find ourselves at a critical juncture in our nation’s history — facing the greatest public health crisis of our lifetimes, an economy in free fall, and huge multi-racial justice protests sweeping our nation, calling for an end of the unjust and continued persecution of Black people — all happening during the most important election of our lifetimes. To tackle these simultaneous crises, we must defeat Donald Trump and elect Vice President Joe Biden to become our next president.

As someone who spent the last decade and a half organizing alongside immigrants, workers; young Latino students in Texas, I know how critical this election is and that voting is not the only thing we can do to make a change at this moment, but it is the most basic thing we must do.

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As an organizer, I know that out of moments of deep pain and crisis, comes an opportunity to imagine and build a new country. To do that it means we have to elect a president who won’t turn away from big problems we face, but take them head-on — including climate change, growing inequality, criminal justice, and policing reform, and justice for immigrants — and will bring the Democratic Party together. As a progressive, I am proud to see the work already being done by the Unity Task Force to tackle the tough issues that require real change.

For me, as I am sure it is for you, this election is also personal. My son, Santiago, was born the month Trump took office. His father grew up as a DREAMer in this country, and when Trump won it turned our lives upside down. We are grateful that last week the Supreme Court rejected Trump’s attacks on DACA, but, as Vice President Biden notes, our work is not yet done. Trump could launch a new assault on DACA at any time — and if he is given four more years, imagine the harm he could inflict, the families he could rip apart. In stark contrast, Joe Biden has promised in his first days in office to send to Congress an immigration reform package offering a pathway to citizenship. That is the leadership we need.

For me the choice this election is clear: the consequences of a Trump Presidency on our health, environment, lives, and families are too dangerous not to do everything we can to get Vice President Biden elected.

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We have all lived through the disastrous consequences of the 2016 elections for the past three and a half years, and we are continuing to see them now. The coronavirus is exposing the weaknesses of a Trump administration that only cares about profit margins instead of people. It’s clear a country that cares for its people is stronger, healthier, and safer — that’s why we need to elect Joe Biden, who wants to serve ALL Americans — not just one income bracket, one gender, or one racial or ethnic group.

Related: Biden Hires Cesar Chávez’s Granddaughter to Help Win The Latino Vote

I believe that elected officials don’t make change alone, but they do it with strong social movements behind them that bring to the surface the issues that have long been ignored in our society, and they do it in moments of crisis when the pain of millions demands a dramatic departure from the status quo. This is that critical moment in history, where we will choose the future we want for our country. Will we choose to become a nation fearful and divided, or a country that recognizes its diversity as its strength and builds a country and democracy that represents all of us? I am determined that we choose the latter, and that’s why I am endorsing Joe Biden and doing everything I can to elect him in November. I hope you will join me.




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